Today we went and had breakfast at a diner across the street. After breakfast we got on a cable car which was really fun. We rode the cable car to pier 33, where the Alcatraz cruise leaves at. We met Wolfgang Kemna who mom and dad know since our early days in the US. Our family got on the boat at 10:30. It was about a twenty minute boat ride to the small island of Alcatraz. Alcatraz was the most famous maximum security prison in the early 1900s. One of its famous prisoners was Al Capone. On the island we went and watched a short movie about the history of Alcatraz. We got a guided tour through the entire cell house. The great riot of Alcatraz was when five men attempted to escape. They stole guns and killed two officers. They battled US Marines for three days before they were defeated. No one ever escaped from Alcatraz alive. After the tour we went to Fisherman's Wharf and had lunch at Aliotos. We then tried to get a cable car back to the hotel for about 30 minutes but all the cars were full. We attempted to get a cab which we finally did after another 10-15 minutes. At night we drove to Golden Golden Gate park. It took us a while because a gay rally had the streets blocked throughout San Francisco. After we drove shortly through the park we went to have dinner in Sausalito which is across the Golden Gate bridge. The restaurant was called, Poggio and they had great Italian food. We went back to the hotel and went to bed.
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Day 3: San Francisco- |
Hallo Maximilian und hallo die
ganze Familie,
Deine berichte werden immer interessanter und durch die Bilder immer anschaulicher.
Wie sieht es mit den Waldbränden aus ? könnt ihr in Gefahr kommen ?
wir hoffen nicht.
Bei uns ist es sehr heiß und schwül.
Heute haben wir im Walkershof den
80. Geburtstag von Gerda Pflaum gefeiert. Es war eine schöne Veranstaltung mit gutem Essen.
Ansonsten ist bei uns zu Hause alles OK.Heute Abend schauen wir das EM Endspiel.In der deutschen Manschaft fehlt wohl wegen Verletzung unser Capitano Ballack.
Weiterhin gute Reise und liebe Grüsse
Oma Helga und Opa Helmut
Hei Max,
ab heute bin ich auch dabei und verfolge mit Spannung Eure Urlaubsreise.
Und werde dabei ganz neidisch, da ich in diesem Jahr nur zahlreiche Kurztrips unternehme, aber leider keine laengere Reise.
Liebe Gruesse an Euch alle und ganz speziell an Deine Mum von
Silvia aus der BASF.
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