We left Canon Dam after breakfast and headed out to Lassen Volcanic National Park. We entered the park and saw some very small sulfur works. They spat steam into the air and smelled very bad. We drove to the entrance of Bumpass Hell, a 3 mile round trip. We started to walk the uphill mountain path towards Bumpass Hell. There was snow on the ground and it was 85 degrees! We had a small snowball fight and continued walking. After about 45 minutes the path started sloping down and Valentin fell a few times. We made it to Bumpass Hell. It smelled horrible. We saw many steaming rocks and bubbling holes of mud. The water in the steam nearby was very hot. The steam from the sulfur once reached a temperature of 322 degrees Fahrenheit. That's really hot! We walked back up the steep slope until the path started winding down against the face of the mountain. Dad disappeared an a few seconds later a snowball landed on my. We had an all out snowball war, mom didn't participate, and Max and Viki ran off. They climbed high on the mountain and found a lot of snow. We through it at dad below and I threw one at his head. He noticed and got snow balls to throw at us. We had to keep walking so our snowball war was over. We got back to the RV and drove to Rancheria RV Resort. We played outside and had dinner. We went to bed tired out and sore from the snowballs.
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Day 11: Lassen Volcanic National Park |
Hollo Maximilian,
das war wirklich eine interessante und anstrengende Wanderung, die ihr unternommenhabt.Wie ich lese war auch eine Menge Spass dabei mit der Schneeballschlacht.
Ist es nicht gefährlich so nahe an dem heißen Wasser zu sein ?.
Ich habe eben mit Oma und Trudel telefoniert.Sie grüssen Euch recht herzlich aus Austria.
Wie ich sehe läuft Euer Trip nach Plan.
Ich wünsche Euch Allen weiterhin viele neue Eindrücke und eine Menge Spass.
Opa Helmut
Hallo Maxi,
"wenn einer eine Reise tut, da kann er was erleben", kennst du das Sprichwort? Damit ist schoenes und weniger schoenes gemeint.
Ich lese interessiert deine
Berichte und frage mich, hast du noch Literatur oder kannst du dir
die Einzelheiten so gut speichern.-
Dann ein dinner, wie zuhause auf
der Terrasse, shrimps, lamb and hot dogs... wie fein. Schneeballschlacht, mitten im Sommer... Viki und du und Papa "fit wie ein Turnschuh". Ich
haette ein Maeuschen sein wollen.
Tino war sicher muede, er ist aber tapfer dabei. Ihr seid big boys and two girls.
Paul, Bettina und ich haben heute eure Photos zusammen angeschaut.
Paul, alles gut, nach einer ihm verpassten Silberkrone. Viele Gruesse an euch alle!
love, bis morgen
your Oma Heidi
Hello Gang greetings from West Chester!
Max you are doing a fabulous job blogging, love it!
We are hanging out inside today it is raining buckets right now, this is good because we really need it. Not so good for Nigel who is at an overnight camp on French Creek with Ian and Heath but...they will have fun anyway! Jon and Niko are going to the Phyllies,Mets game tonight hope it stops raining by then. Tomorrow Niko leaves for home.boo hoo. It has been a long year and he is ready to return to Deutschland. You are having a wild west vacation.. keep on postin
Hello Max,
we are sitting on our couch and reading your blog we are really impressed how detailed and excitingly you describe each day - actually we are addicted to your stories.
All the BEST to you and your family from Bettina, Emma, Paul and Stefan
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