Tuesday, July 15
We set out at 9:00 because the RV was due back at 11:00. We drove the thirty minute drive to Oakland airport and picked up our new rental car, a blue Ford Explorer, and drove to Cruise America, just outside of Oakland. There we found two german families and gave them all of our leftovers (chairs, ketchup, gatorade, water, sauces, soap, towels, cereal, and dish cloths) and moved our bags from the RV to our car. We left Cruise America at 12:00. We drove for another 30 minutes to Santa Clara, a city outside of San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland. We were in the heart of the Silicon valley. The Silicon valley has headquarters from some of the worlds biggest companies like Google, Yahoo, Intel, and SAP enemy Orcale. We were staying at a beautiful Marriott just one block away from the Yahoo headquarters. They had a giant pool and soon after we checked in everyone but Dad went to the pool. We were almost the only ones at the pool. The water was great and when Dad came at 4:50 Max left to watch the All star game. Later we all drove to Palo Alto and had dinner at The Counter with one of my dad's co-workers and her husband. At the counter you can create your own burger. You receive a piece of paper and pick your burger (beef, chicken, veggie), toppings (lettuce, onions, etc.), your cheese( american, swiss, cheddar, etc.) and a sauce for over you burger(honey barbecue, pineapple, etc.) We all had a great time and after dinner we found a Coldstone Creamery and had ice cream. We fell asleep in the hotel around 11:00 after a long and fun day.
1 comment:
Hallo Maximilian,
der Tag mit der Abgabe Eures RV hat doch gut begonnen.
Mit der Spende Eures leftovers habt Ihr den German Families sicher eine große Freude gemacht.
Der Ford Explorer hat Euch sicher gute Dienste geleistet.
Wie Du berichtest macht Euch das
Marriott Business Hotel mitten im Silicon Valley die letzten Urlaubstage sehr angenehm.Genießt das Hotel mit seinen Einrichtungen.
Welche Greation von Burger hast Du, Viktoria und Valentin zubereitet?
Natürlich hat wie immer ein Besuch in einer Creamery den Tag beendet.
Alles Liebe und Gute
Oma Helga und Opa Helmut
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