We left our campsite early and headed to McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial. We walked down a .3 mile trail to the falls. Everyone except mom climbed rocks over the water. Viki and Valentin each fell in and were soaked. The water under the falls was twenty-two feet deep and one hundred million gallons of water go over the falls every day. We then walked the Falls Trail Loop, a 1.2 mile loop around the waterfall, and back up to the parking lot. We left the park and drove north. We stopped somewhere in the desert/grasslands and didn't see a car go by or a house for the entire thirty minutes. We ate lunch here and then continued towards Lava Beds National Monument. In the park we went to the visitor center and watched a brief history about Lava Beds National Monument. The Modoc were a tribe who lived in the area. When they were forced into a reservation one hundred of them escaped and returned to the area they once called home. Settlers panicked and many soldiers were sent to stop the Natives and forced them back into their reservations. 52 Modocs hid in the caves and held off a force of soldiers 10x their size for three months. They used their knowledge of the caves to escape dieing and were forced back to the Reservation. It was the only Native American war that a American general was killed. We camped in the park and had no Wifi or hookups. After dinner we participated in a ranger talk about wilderness in the amphitheater of the campground.
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Day 12: McArthur-B |
Guten Morgen lieber Maximilian,
ich dachte mir schon, das ihr schlechte Bedinungen hattet für die
Internet Post.
Trotzdem war ich ein bischen aufgeregt, weil zu gewohnter zeit kein Report von Dir vorlag.
Ja lieber Maximilian eine reise durch den historischen Wilden Westen ist schon anstrengend und elebnisreich.
Die Behandlung der Indianer war nicht immer ruhmvoll für die US Geschichte.
In 3Tagen habt ihr den schwierigen Teil Eures TRips hinter Euch und Ihr könnt die schönste Küstenstrasse unsere Erde geniesen.
Halte die Ohren steif und sammle weitere neue und interessante Eindrücke.
Dein Opa Helmut
Hallo Maxi,
auch ich war "a bissel uruisch"
wie "Paelzer" sagen;
du hast uns verwoehnt mit deinen Reportagen und ich vermisste
d i c h sofort!
Jetzt bin ich ich froh, dass ihr alle wohlauf seid und euren Weg
Richtung Kuestenstrasse,schaue
wieder im Internet nach, fortsetzen koennt.
I miss you, Viki, Tino, Stefan
and your mom's calls.
Have a good trip further!!!
your Oma Heidi
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