Monday, July 14
We left our campsite around 10:00 and drove to another KOA site near San Francisco. There they had a giant pool. We spent about one hour in the pool, when suddenly everyone had these squirt guns that you fill up under water and squirt on someone. There was a war in the pool. So Dad bought three squirt guns and the Kneis' joined the all out war. Soon kids would quit because they were tired. Later we went to the large playground and spent about one hour there. This wasn't a very exciting day and we didn't do a lot. We just relaxed and enjoyed our last day in our RV. We had the last of our ice cream, and went to bed.
1 comment:
Lieber Maximilian,
Du schreibst: Es war not an exiting Day, ich meine der letzte Tag mit dem RV war doch richtig geplant: auruhen, spielen, schwimmen mit kämpfen und Eiscream essen, wie schön ist doch die Welt.
So schnell werdet ihr das Leben im und mit dem RV nicht vergessen. Ein Bißchen Wehmut und Trauer wird bei der Abgabe des RV schon vorhanden sein.
Ganz liebe Grüße an Dich, den großen Berichterstatter,und an Deine Familie senden
Oma Helga und Opa Helmut
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