After getting up at 5:30 we pulled out of the hotel at 6. We drove to the San Francisco Airport and returned our rental car. There was a man there who we gave our red bouncy ball, batmition set, and Tide. We got in a tram because The rental car garage is on the other side of the highway than the terminals. We got in our tram and the doors started clothing when suddenly the doors opened again and the Train started saying "Out of Service. Please Exit." Someone had left a bag on the train and the airport staff thought it could be a bomb so they hut the tram down. So we had to wait for the next tram and lost some time. At the US Airways desk we got in the Star club Priority line because Dad is a Star member. We had to wait over 110 minutes because the guy helping us kept running off to help other people. My dad was a little upset and then he told us to take two lbs out of one bag and into another one. The plane would be just as heavy no matter what bag had the 2 lbs in them. We stood there for over 20 minutes total waiting for the guy. My dad was really pissed off because now we couldn't have breakfast. So we bought some croissants to eat on the plane. We were the last ones on the plan and had to find a place for all our bags. We were in the air for about four hours when a an next to my mom passed out. Thankfully, there was a doctor on board an the flight attendants gave him oxygen and he was fine. He had already been in a plane for 15 hours and was really tired. They moved him to the front so paramedics could bored when we landed. Just before we landed he passed out again. He was okay and the paramedics calmed him and gave hi oxygen. We got off the plane had a little bit to eat and an intern from SAP picked us up. We dropped him off at his house and went to a Chinese place, King Chef, to eat. We got home and I couldn't sleep until 1:00.

Map of our trip
The Travelers
Stefan Kneis
Kerstin Kneis
Max Kneis
Viktoria Kneis
Valentin Kneis
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Max, you did an awesome job !!!
This will be an unforgettable memory for all of us. Thank you so much for doing this. I love you, Mama
Lieber Maximilian,
Ein deutsches Sprichwort sagt: Wenn einer eine Reise tut dann kann er was erzählen.Trifft auf Eure Reise bestimmt zu. Ganz besonder die Fliegerei mit all den manchmal sinnlosen Bestimmungen und den sicherheits Tests bringen großen Ärger.Wenn dan noch ein Fluggast passed out, dann hat man das Fliegen so langsam satt.Euer Tagesabschluß war ja dann mit dem Dinner beim King Chef Ok.
Lieber Maximilian, Oma und Opa bedanken sich bei Dir für Deine komplette und ausgezeichnete Berichte von Euren Abenteuerferien.
Note 1*
Herzlichst Oma Helga u.Opa h
Hallo Maxi,
you are in my heart all my life.
Ich danke dir fuer deine
beeindruckenden reports und alle
photos from your journey. Y o u
warst einfach S p i t z e !!!
Jeder Tag war ein hight-light fuer mich. Have nice days at vacation.
Ich wuensche dir Spass mit deinen Freunden Peter, Sebastian ...
und especially am pool.
love your Oma Heidi
give a hug to Viki and Tino!
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